

You are in the business of electronics. You are in the digital age, which means whatever kind of electronics you offer, business is probably going pretty well. That means that a lot of people are relying on you to keep your electronics safe from physical harm. But more importantly, when it comes to electronics, it means keeping them away from water and moisture. It is an unfortunate truth that the substance on which all of life depends is often the sole destroyer of some of our most valued material belongings. But it’s a fact of life, and it’s your responsibility to take it seriously.

When there’s too much moisture in the air, whether that’s due to overcast weather or heat from soldering, that moisture can turn to steam, which in turn will damage the device. As you can see, even without dropping your electronics in a bowl of water, you can still end up with water damage if you don’t provide the proper protection.

SanDry desiccant is an agent which protects your electronic devices from air moisture. It absorbs the moisture and humidity in the air. That means the agent will absorb moisture that has remained in the space after having packaged the item. It will also absorb any moisture that may somehow penetrate the bag in transit. This allows you to transfer the items through extreme climates and temperatures without the concern of that translating into moisture damaging your device.


Hengsan Vietnam is one of leading company in manufacturing and supplying desiccant with high technology transferred from Hengsan Multisorb Malaysia under strictly supervision of international management system such as: ISO, HACCP, HALAL,… Therefore, we committed to providing solutions to protect your devices correctly and safely. We have become partners of many electronics company in Vietnam and oversea also. We have developed new generation of super clay dessicant which have absorbent capacity upto 45% its specific weight. Super Clay Desiccant is extremely safe and environmentally friendly because of its inert chemical properties and is derived from nature.