

Respond to Prime Minister and Government‘s appeal dated 17/03/2020 appealing Organazations, Units, Enterprises, Individuals in both domestics as well as oversea, Vietnamese people in aboard with deep love and own responsibilites to proactively attend and support for the prevention of COVID – 19.

All meaningful things are not determined by age, income, qualifications or position, but all from our heart. In most difficulties and thorniest cases are chances for us to express our deep national spirits as well as the solidarity “The leaves protect tattered ones” as the Vietnamese bravery.

Following the charities programs conducted by Hengsan Vietnam Company in recent years, on 15th March 2020, the Board of Director and all our staff have tried our best to buy thousands of medical masks to organize “Free Face Mask” program for people at Hoang Mai District, Hanoi City and Van Lam District, Hung Yen Province.

To be continued, on 07th April 2020, Hengsan Vietnam has donated medical equipment such as: body temperature thermometer, sterilizers, medical masks, foods and foodstuff,…to Brigade 241 Air Defence – Air Force at Luu Quynh Commune, Nho Quan District, Ninh Binh Province where army soldiers have overcome many difficulties, storage of facillitates and even dangers to support for isolation works against Covid-19 through all days and nights.